Parenting just like everything else is a journey, and while the road may get tough it does not have to be negative. Happy Parenting is a blog where parents can find positive and uplifting solutions to their parenting woes.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

The "Amy Chua" Phenomenon

Amy Chua took the world by storm with her bestselling book entitled "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother." But, it seemed that most people misunderstood where she was going with it....

Anyone can be a tiger mom - and Chua certainly details the criteria for such. However, many readers tended to harp on her "unconventional" parenting methods (that even she mentioned did not always work)instead of reading the book and seeing it as one mother's ever-evolving and amazing journey into parenting.

Chua is different than most and similar in many uncanny ways to familial matriarchs coast-to-coast and around the world. Her savvy for motherhood is both refreshing and a bit unnerving. Sure, to the conventional American mind, she may have seemed to be a bit strict, but to her credit, the stern was the only way that she knew how to instill the tools for success in her children. Do I agree with everything that she did? Not, at all. Do I credit her for her bravery in revealing the intimate details? Absolutely.

No parent is perfect, so why judge Chua for methods that she soon found out were not as effective as she thought when employed on her children?


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